House Competitions

House Championship Winners

2024-25 Results


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Scott Austen Churchill
2nd  Elgar Brunel Brunel
3rd Darwin Scott Austen
4th Churchill Elgar Darwin
5th Brunel Darwin
6th Austen Churchill


  Junior Inter Senior Boys Senior Girls
1st Austen Darwin
2nd  Brunel Scott
3rd Darwin Austen
4th Scott Elgar
5th Churchill, Elgar Churchill, Brunel

Cross Country

  Boys Girls
1st Brunel Darwin
2nd  Churchill Elgar
3rd Elgar Austen
4th Darwin Churchill
5th Scott Brunel
6th Austen Scott


  Production Script
1st Churchill Elgar
2nd  Darwin Darwin
3rd Austen Scott, Austen
4th Brunel
5th Elgar Brunel, Churchill
6th Scott


  Junior Group A Boys Junior Group B Boys Junior Girls Inter Boys Inter Girls Senior Boys
1st Scott Brunel Darwin Churchill Darwin Churchill
2nd  Brunel Churchill Elgar Austen Brunel Darwin
3rd Churchill Darwin Austen Elgar Elgar Brunel
4th Elgar Scott Churchill Scott Austen Austen
5th Austen Elgar Brunel Darwin Elgar
6th Darwin Austen Scott Brunel Scott


  Junior Inter Boys Inter Girls Senior
1st Brunel Elgar
2nd  Churchill Brunel
3rd Darwin Austen
4th Elgar Churchill
5th Austen Darwin
6th Scott Scott


1st Darwin
2nd  Scott
3rd Brunel
4th Austen
5th Churchill
6th Elgar


  Variety and Quality Entertainment and Range/Numbers
1st Brunel Darwin
2nd  Darwin Churchill
3rd Elgar Elgar
4th Churchill Brunel
5th Austen Austen
6th Scott Scott


  Junior Group A Junior Group B Inter Senior
1st Churchill Darwin Elgar Austen
2nd  Darwin Elgar Austen Churchill
3rd Elgar Austen Brunel Scott
4th Austen Churchill Churchill Darwin
5th Brunel Scott Darwin Elgar
6th Scott Brunel Scott Brunel

Public Speaking

  Inters Seniors
1st Darwin Scott
2nd  Elgar Brunel
3rd Churchill Darwin
4th Brunel Austen
5th Scott Elgar
6th Austen Churchill
Best Speaker Charlotte W Reuben S


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Elgar Darwin
2nd  Darwin Austen
3rd Churchill Elgar
4th Brunel Brunel
5th Scott Scott
6th Austen

2023-24 Results


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel Austen Brunel
2nd  Churchill Elgar Churchill
3rd Scott Darwin Elgar
4th Austen Brunel Austen
5th Darwin Scott Scott
6th Elgar Churchill Darwin


  Inter Boys Inter Girls
1st Brunel Scott
2nd  Darwin Churchill
3rd Austen Darwin
4th Elgar Austen
5th Churchill, Scott Brunel, Elgar


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel
2nd  Churchill
3rd Austen
4th Elgar
5th Scott, Darwin


  Production Script
1st Scott Scott
2nd  Darwin Elgar, Austen
3rd Churchill
4th Elgar Darwin
5th Austen Brunel
6th Brunel Churchill


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Austen
2nd  Brunel
3rd Darwin
4th Scott
5th Elgar
6th Churchill


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Scott Churchill Churchill
2nd  Elgar Brunel Darwin
3rd Darwin Elgar Brunel
4th Churchill Darwin Scott
5th Brunel Austen Austen
6th Austen Scott Elgar


1st Scott
2nd  Elgar
3rd Austen
4th Darwin
5th Brunel
6th Churchill


  Inter Boys Inter Girls Senior Boys Senior Girls
1st Scott Churchill Scott Austen
2nd  Austen Austen Darwin Darwin
3rd Churchill Brunel Austen Scott
4th Darwin Darwin Churchill Churchill
5th Elgar Scott Brunel Brunel
6th Brunel Elgar Elgar


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel
2nd  Elgar
3rd Austen
4th Darwin
5th Churchill
6th Scott


  Criteria 1 - Variety, Quality Criteria 2 - Entertainment Value, Range and numbers of pupils actively involved
1st Scott Brunel
2nd  Darwin Austen
3rd Austen Elgar
4th Brunel Scott
5th Elgar Darwin
6th Churchill Churchill


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Elgar Churchill Austen
2nd  Darwin Austen Scott
3rd Brunel Darwin Darwin
4th Churchill Elgar Brunel
5th Austen Brunel Elgar
6th Scott Scott Churchill

Public Speaking

  Inter  Inter
1st Brunel Churchill
2nd  Austen Brunel
3rd Darwin Austen
4th Churchill Darwin, Scott
5th Scott


  Junior Inter
1st Elgar Elgar
2nd  Darwin Darwin
3rd Brunel Austen
4th Churchill Churchill
5th Austen, Scott Brunel
6th Scott

Rounders Mixed

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel Austen
2nd  Churchill Scott
3rd Darwin Elgar
4th Austen Darwin
5th Elgar
6th Scott

Sports Day

Junior boys Junior Girls Inter Boys Inter Girls Seniors
1st Elgar Darwin Brunel, Churchill Churchill Brunel
2nd  Churchill Elgar Brunel Austen
3rd Darwin Austen Austen Darwin Darwin
4th Brunel Churchill Elgar Scott Churchill
5th Scott Brunel Scott, Darwin Austen Scott
6th Austen Scott Elgar Elgar

Table Tennis

  Junior Boys Junior Girls
1st Scott Scott
2nd  Elgar Brunel
3rd Churchill Darwin
4th Darwin Austen
5th Austen, Brunel Elgar, Churchill

2022-23 Results

Click here to see the number of students involved in each House competition. 


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel Scott Churchill
2nd  Elgar Austen Scott
3rd Churchill Churchill Brunel
4th Scott Elgar Darwin
5th Darwin Darwin Austen
6th Austen Brunel Elgar

Badminton - Boys

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel Scott Scott
2nd  Austen Elgar Darwin
3rd Churchill Brunel Churchill
4th Darwin Darwin Austen
5th Scott, Elgar Austin, Churchill Elgar, Brunel

Badminton - Girls

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel Austen Darwin
2nd  Churchill Scott Scott
3rd Scott Churchill Austen
4th Elgar Elgar Elgar
5th Darwin, Austen Darwin, Brunel Churchill, Brunel


1st Austen
2nd  Brunel
3rd Scott
4th Elgar
5th Churchill
6th Darwin


1st Scott
2nd  Elgar
3rd Austen, Darwin
4th Brunel
5th Churchill


  Junior Inter
1st Brunel Elgar
2nd  Darwin Darwin
3rd Churchill Scott
4th Scott Austen
5th Austen, Elgar Churchill, Brunel

Cross Country - Boys

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Churchill Darwin Brunel
2nd  Austen Brunel Elgar
3rd Scott Elgar Churchill
4th Elgar Scott Scott
5th Brunel Austen Darwin
6th Darwin Churchill Austen

Cross Country - Girls

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Elgar Scott Darwin
2nd  Darwin Darwin Churchill
3rd Brunel Austen Austen
4th Scott Elgar, Churchill Brunel
5th Churchill Scott
6th Austen Brunel Elgar


  Production Script
1st Brunel Austen
2nd  Darwin Elgar
3rd Churchill Scott
4th Elgar Darwin
5th Scott Brunel
6th Austen Churchill


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Elgar Scott Darwin
2nd  Austen Darwin Churchill
3rd Churchill Churchill Scott
4th Darwin Brunel Brunel
5th Brunel Austen Austen
6th Scott Elgar Elgar

Football Girls

  Junior Inter
1st Brunel Austen
2nd  Darwin Darwin
3rd Elgar Scott
4th Churchill Churchill
5th Austen Elgar
6th Scott Brunel


1st Austen
2nd  Scott
3rd Brunel
4th Elgar
5th Darwin
6th Churchill

Handball - Girls

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Elgar Austen Darwin
2nd  Darwin Churchill Scott
3rd Brunel Scott Churchill
4th Austen Darwin Austen
5th Churchill Elgar Elgar
6th Scott Brunel Brunel

Handball - Boys

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Darwin Churchill Scott
2nd  Austen Elgar Elgar
3rd Brunel Brunel Churchill
4th Scott Austen Brunel
5th Elgar Darwin Austen
6th Churchill Scott Darwin


1st Brunel
2nd  Churchill
3rd Austen
4th Darwin
5th Elgar
6th Scott


  Junior Inter
1st Brunel Elgar
2nd  Darwin Brunel
3rd Austen Scott
4th Scott Darwin
5th Elgar Churchill
6th Churchill Austen


  Criteria 1 - Variety and Quality

Criteria 2 - Entertainment Value, Range and numbers of pupils actively involved

1st Austen Darwin
2nd  Darwin Austen
3rd Scott Churchill
4th Churchill Scott
5th Elgar, Brunel Brunel, Elgar


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Austen Austen Churchill
2nd  Darwin Churchill Scott
3rd Brunel Scott Darwin
4th Elgar Brunel Austen
5th Churchill Darwin Elgar
6th Scott Elgar Brunel

Public Speaking

  Inter Senior
1st Austen Brunel
2nd  Brunel Austen
3rd Scott Scott
4th Darwin Darwin
5th Churchill Churchill
6th Elgar Elgar


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel Austen
2nd  Darwin Scott
3rd Elgar Brunel
4th Scott Darwin
5th Austen Churchill
6th Churchill Elgar

Rounders Mixed

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Darwin Austen Brunel
2nd  Brunel Brunel Austen
3rd Elgar Darwin Scott
4th Churchill Scott, Churchill Darwin
5th Scott Elgar Churchill
6th Austen Elgar


  Junior Inter
1st Churchill Darwin
2nd  Elgar Elgar
3rd Darwin Brunel
4th Austen Scott
5th Scott Churchill
6th Brunel Austen

Sports Day

Junior boys Junior Girls Inter Boys Inter Girls Seniors
1st Elgar Brunel Brunel Austen Darwin
2nd  Brunel Austen Austen Churchill Churchill
3rd Churchill Elgar Elgar Scott Austen
4th Darwin Darwin Darwin Elgar Brunel
5th Austen Churchill Scott Brunel Elgar, Scott
6th Scott Scott Churchill Darwin

2021-22 Results

Click here to see the number of students involved in each House competition. 


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel Austen Austen
2nd  Austen Churchill Darwin
3rd Elgar Darwin Brunel
4th Darwin Brunel Elgar
5th Churchill Scott
6th Scott Elgar

Badminton - Boys

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel Brunel Chruchill
2nd  Churchill Darwin Scott
3rd Scott Austen Elgar
4th Austen Churchill Brunel
5th Elgar, Darwin Elgar, Scott Austen, Darwin

Badminton - Girls

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Scott Elgar Chruchill
2nd  Churchill Darwin Scott
3rd Austen Austen Austen
4th Brunel Scott Elgar
5th Elgar, Darwin Churchill, Brunel Darwin, Brunel


  Junior Inter Senior Overall
1st Brunel Elgar Elgar Elgar
2nd  Elgar Brunel, Churchill Churchill Brunel
3rd Austen Scott Darwin Darwin
4th Darwin Darwin Scott, Brunel Scott
5th Scott Austen Austen Austen
6th Churchill Churchill


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Dawrin
2nd  Austen
3rd Elgar
4th Brunel
5th Churchill, Scott


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Scott
2nd  Brunel
3rd Churchill
4th Elgar
5th Austen
6th Darwin

Football - Boys

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel Dawrin Scott
2nd  Austen Brunel Brunel
3rd Churchill Scott Darwin
4th Elgar Churchill Churchill
5th Scott Austen Austen
6th Darwin Elgar Elgar

Football - Girls

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Darwin Darwin Austen
2nd  Austen Austen Churchill
3rd Scott Scott Scott
4th Churchill Elgar Brunel
5th Brunel Churchill Darwin
6th Elgar Brunel

Handball - Boys

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Churchill Scott
2nd  Austen Elgar
3rd Scott Churchill
4th Darwin Brunel
5th Elgar Austen
6th Brunel Darwin

Handball - Girls

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Churchill Darwin
2nd  Austen Scott
3rd Darwin Churchill
4th Scott Austen
5th Brunel Elgar
6th Elgar Brunel


  Variety and Quality Entertainment Value and Range/Numbers
1st Darwin Austen
2nd  Brunel Brunel
3rd Austen Darwin
4th Scott Elgar
5th Elgar Churchill
6th Churchill Scott

Public Speaking

  Inter Senior
1st Churchill Darwin
2nd  Darwin Scott
3rd Scott Austen
4th Brunel Churchill
5th Elgar Brunel
6th Austen


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Churchill Darwin Churchill
2nd  Brunel Scott Darwin
3rd Scott Austen Scott
4th Darwin Elgar Brunel
5th Austen Brunel Austen
6th Elgar Churchill


  Junior Inter Senior
1st Elgar Darwin Brunel
2nd  Darwin Austen Elgar
3rd Scott Scott Churchill
4th Austen Churchill Darwin
5th Churchill Brunel Scott
6th Brunel Elgar Austen

Smimming - Boys

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Brunel Scott Elgar
2nd  Scott Elgar Scott
3rd Darwin Churchill Brunel
4th Elgar Austen Austen
5th Churchill, Austen Brunel Churchill, Darwin
6th Darwin

Smimming - Girls

  Junior Inter Senior
1st Darwin Darwin Elgar
2nd  Churchill, Brunel Scott, Austen Scott
3rd Scott Churchill Austen, Brunel
4th Austen Elgar, Brunel Churchill
5th Elgar Darwin

Sports Day

  Junior Boys Junior Girls Inter Boys Inter Girls Seniors
1st Churchill Churchill Brunel Austen Churchill
2nd  Scott Austen Scott Churchill Brunel
3rd Darwin, Elgar Scott Churchill Darwin Austen
4th Brunel Darwin, Elgar Darwin Brunel Scott
5th Austen Brunel Austen Elgar Darwin
6th Elgar Scott Elgar