
Our students are growing up in a very complex world where they are regularly faced with risks and challenges both on and offline. It is our intention within PSHE lessons at QEHS to provide our students with the knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions about their health, relationships and wellbeing. It is hoped that by signposting students to reliable and up to date resources and support it will help to minimise risk-taking behaviours and provide students with the confidence to embrace or in some cases confront the challenges that face them.

The PSHE programme at QEHS encompasses:

The RSE element of our PSHE curriculum, is designed to provide young people with the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds. It aims to provide them with the characteristics of a healthy relationship including what makes a good friend, a good colleague and a successful long term committed relationship. It aims to outline what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in relationships. As a result, it is hoped this will help students understand the positive effects that good relationships have on their mental wellbeing, identify when relationships are unhealthy and understand how such situations can be managed.

The Health Education element of our PSHE curriculum, is designed to provide young people with the ability to make well informed decisions and positive choices for themselves in regards to their physical and emotional health. It also aims to enable students to recognise when an issue with themselves or others presents itself, so they know when and where to seek safe and reliable support. It is the teaching of the idea that physical health and emotional wellbeing are interlinked and it is important that students understand that good physical health contributes to good mental wellbeing, and vice versa.

To view our PSHE Curriculum Intent, please click here.

To view our PSHE Curriculum Map, please click here

To view our PSHE and RSE Policy, please click here

At QEHS we believe parents and guardians are the prime educators on many topics covered within the PSHE curriculum. By working in partnership, our aim is to complement and reinforce this role by building on what students learn at home. We therefore believe in transparency regarding curriculum content and materials. Upon request, resources can be viewed and discussed as part of a meeting with the Head of Year/Head of PSHE. The resources are for sharing upon request as this guarantees access to the most up-to-date versions. We work hard to ensure materials are updated to reflect most recent requirements and contextualised issues, as well as any change in guidance and evidence.