We are delighted to be able to open up our school for visitors to tour. Our Sixth Formers have gathered together key information and a route around the site which will make the very best use of the time spent visiting the school. Tours will now largely be on Wednesday afternoons, as this is when Sixth Formers are best able to act as tour guides. These tours represent an opportunity to see QEHS at work on a normal working school day. Staff and students at QEHS very much enjoy meeting prospective families and we are excited to have more opportunities to show off our wonderful school.

Please find below a link to a Booking Form where you will be able to reserve a tour of the school on Wednesday afternoons at either 13.50 or 14.00. If you are unable to make Wednesday afternoons, please email Miss Stubley at [email protected] and we can discuss an alternative. If your question is about school admissions, please email Miss Radcliffe at [email protected]

Tours will last for approximately one hour and will begin and end at our school Reception. 

The tour guides and I are very much looking forward to welcoming more potential members to our amazing QEHS community.

To book a tour, please click here.

Mrs Watson

Assistant Headteacher

Tour Reviews 

"The girls were very professional and a great asset to the school and had answers to all questions."

"I just wanted to send a big thanks to the Head Boy and Head Girl who showed us around QEHS today. What a confident, eloquent and friendly pair they were. They confidently answered all our questions, thought hard about what to show us (checked ahead where necessary) and filled us with useful, honest and helpful information. They should be very proud of themselves and if they go through life conducting themselves as they did today, their skills and manners will be noted by all who meet them. They affirmed our confidence that the school is the right fit to apply for and if my own children can demonstrate the skills that these two young people did in 5 years time I will be very very proud. Please thank them for their time and honesty today. They did QEHS proud."

"Lovely, friendly, honest and well informed girls. Really great to meet them, they made us feel very at ease and welcome."

"Really approachable, friendly and helpful. Encouraged questions and were happy to answer anything about the school. Very very good ambassadors for the school and sixth form."